Difference between HTML and HTML5 | HTML and HTML5 | HTML | The ACX
Difference between HTML and HTML5
- HTML:-
- The language in HTML does not have support for video and audio.
- The HTML browser uses cache memory as temporary storage.
- Uses cookies to store data.
- In HTML, the browser interface and JavaScript running in the same thread.
- It is not possible to create shapes like circles, rectangles, triangles.
- The Works with all older browsers.
- HTML 5:-
- HTML5 supports both video and audio.
- HTML5 has storage options like application cache, SQL database, and web storage.
- Uses local storage instead of cookies.
- The HTML5 has the JavaScript Web Worker API, which allows the browser interface to run in multiple threads.
- Using html5, you can draw shapes like circles, rectangles, triangles.
- A new browser supports this.
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